Amer Smajkic, MD, Child, Adolescent, and Adult Psychiatrist in Chicago, Illinois, specializes in treating Anxiety, ADHD, Depresion, Bipolar disorders, Developmental issues and many others.
Amer Smajkic offers both in-person (on Thursdays) and video appointments (every day of the week).
*For new patients, please book 45 minutes for the first visit.
Follow-up patients book the desired amount of time.
Caroline Rowland is a board-certified Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (PMHNP) with a strong dedication to enhancing the mental health of adolescents and adults, specializing in mood disorders, anxiety disorders, and ADHD disorders.
Caroline Rowland offers both in-person (on Fridays) and video appointments (every day of the week).
*For new patients, please book 45 minutes for the first visit.
Follow-up patients book the desired amount of time.